Class - Individual Display

Instead of entering your work in separate sections, all that you have to do is showcase/display all your Talents in one spot.


  • All items must be made by you and have not been exhibited at NAS previously.
  • Must be all one persons work with exceptions to framing and long arm quilting that will need to be advised if that was done professionally .
  • Can include any item of craftwork ,can be a mix of different crafts a showcase of what you do .
  • Included craftworks—Knitting (hand or machine), crochet, handmade Dolls, toys , bears, needlework and machine sewing, embroidery, patchwork and quilting, applique, tapestry, cross stitch, pottery, woodwork, metalwork, macrame, mosaic, etc. It just needs to be made by you.
  • All names on works to be covered and please secure exhibit card to your exhibit section/class.

Judging Criteria

  • Judges will assess the level of creativity and originality demonstrated in the display. 
  • The craftsmanship and technical skill involved in creating the crafts will be evaluated. Judges may consider factors such as precision, neatness, attention to detail, and overall quality of workmanship.
  • The variety and diversity of crafts presented will be considered. 
  • If there’s a specific theme for the competition, judges will consider how well the display aligns with the theme.
  • Judges may assess how effectively and creatively the materials have been used. This includes the choice of materials, their quality, and how well they contribute to the overall design of the display.
  • The presentation and arrangement of the display are crucial. Judges will consider factors such as layout, organization, balance, use of space, and overall visual impact.
  • Judges may also look for elements of innovation or contemporary relevance in the display. This could include incorporating sustainable practices, addressing current social or environmental issues, or using modern design trends in a thoughtful way.
  • The level of attention to detail, including finishing touches, embellishments, and overall polish, will be assessed. Entries that demonstrate a high level of care and attention to detail may receive favourable consideration.
  • For display items that serve a functional purpose, judges may evaluate how well the items fulfill their intended function while maintaining aesthetic appeal and quality craftsmanship.
  • Judges will consider the overall impression of the display, taking into account all the above criteria to determine how well-rounded, visually striking, and professionally executed the entry is compared to others.