SECTION FJ - Junior Floriculture

Class - 8 Years and under

  • Miniature Garden in cup or saucer, no sand to be showing
  • Vase of favourite garden flowers
  • Potted Plant, any variety
  • Potted Succulent, any variety
  • Show theme – Step up : lend a hand

Class - 9 to 12 Years

  • Miniature Garden in cup or saucer, no sand to be showing
  • Vase of favourite garden flowers
  • Potted Plant, any variety
  • Potted Succulent, any variety
  • Show theme – Step up : lend a hand

Class - 13 to 18 Years

  • Miniature Garden in cup or saucer, no sand to be showing
  • Vase of favourite garden flowers
  • Potted Plant, any variety
  • Potted Succulent, any variety
  • Show theme – Step up : lend a hand


  • All pots not to exceed 30cm in diameter.

Judging Criteria
