SECTION PH - Photography

MONOCHROME (BLACK AND WHITE)- Maximum Size 8”x12” or 21cm x 29cm

  • Portrait or Group Study
  • Open, any subject not included above

COLOUR PRINTS - Maximum Size 8” x 12” or 21cm x 29cm

  • Portrait or Group Study
  • Pet or Animal Portrait
  • Sunrise or Sunset
  • Study of Water
  • Flower/s
  • Night Scene
  • Landscape
  • Open, any subject not included above
  • Show Theme – Step Up: Lend a Hand

OPEN SECTION - Maximum Size 8”x12” or 21cmx29cm 3 cm BORDER

  • Manipulated Image
  • Augmented Reality

JUNIOR PHOTOGRAPHY - Maximum Size A4 or 8” x 12” (21cm x 29cm)
Juniors 9 to 12 Years

  • Portrait or Group Study
  • Pet or Animal Portrait
  • Holiday Activity
  • Open , any subject not included above
  • Show theme—Step up: Lend a Hand

JUNIOR PHOTOGRAPHY - Maximum Size A4 or 8” x 12” (21cm x 29cm)
Juniors 13 to 18 Years

  • Portrait or Group Study
  • Animal or Bird Study
  • Group of Animals
  • Flower or Flowers
  • Landscape
  • Study of Water
  • Open, any subject not included above.
  • Show theme—Step up: Lend a Hand


  • All entries must have entrants name, phone number, section (PH) & class to be clearly marked on the back top left hand corner of the photo. Please give photo a title.
  • Previously exhibited work in this competition is not accepted.
  • ENTRY OVERALL SIZE including mounting paper cannot exceed 40cm x 30cm .Maximum photo size is listed in each section .They are smaller than the overall size Visible photo minimum size is 20cm x 20cm or 15.4cm x 25cm panorama/rectangle.
  • All photos are to be mounted on ‘STIFF’ BLACK OR WHITE MOUNTING CARD with a border and photo securely fixed to mount as per entry size. Velcro dots or strips fixed to the back on each corner of the card.
  • Photographs can be printed by a commercial printer or home printer but the exhibit must conform to size requirements for each class.
  • Competition is open to all amateur photographers (unless specified) and must be the work of the Exhibitor. The definition of amateur for this competition is someone who does not get the majority of their income from photography.
  • All eligible entries will be judged unless the judge deems the subject unsuitable. The judge may also move photography to a more suitable section .
  • Photos to be collected from 4.30pm on Saturday, 12th October.
  • All care is taken when photos are handled, however, the stewards accept no responsibility for loss or damage.

Judging Criteria
