Merino - (Horned)

Strong Wool

  • Ram under 20 months, shorn after May 1 (last). Must not show more than 4 permanent teeth
  • Ram, under 20 months shorn after August 15th (last), not showing more than 4 permanent teeth, regulation shorn
  • Ewe, any age shorn after August 15th (last), regulation shorn

Medium Wool

  • Ram under 20 months, shorn after May 1 (last). Must not show more than 4 permanent teeth
  • Ram, under 20 months shorn after August 15th (last), not showing more than 4 permanent teeth, regulation shorn
  • Ewe, any age shorn after August 15th (last), regulation shorn

Medium/Fine Wool

  • Ram under 20 months, shorn after May 1 (last). Must not show more than 4 permanent teeth
  • Ram, under 20 months shorn after August 15th (last), not showing more than 4 permanent teeth, regulation shorn
  • Ewe, any age shorn after August 15th (last), regulation shorn

Poll Merino

Strong Wool

  • Ram under 20 months, shorn after May 1 (last). Must not show more than 4 permanent teeth
  • Ram, under 20 months shorn after August 15th (last), not showing more than 4 permanent teeth, regulation shorn
  • Ewe, any age shorn after August 15th (last), regulation shorn

Medium Wool

  • Ram under 20 months, shorn after May 1 (last). Must not show more than 4 permanent teeth
  • Ram, under 20 months shorn after August 15th (last), not showing more than 4 permanent teeth, regulation shorn
  • Ewe, any age shorn after August 15th (last), regulation shorn

Medium/Fine Wool

  • Ram under 20 months, shorn after May 1 (last). Must not show more than 4 permanent teeth
  • Ram, under 20 months shorn after August 15th (last), not showing more than 4 permanent teeth, regulation shorn
  • Ewe, any age shorn after August 15th (last), regulation shorn

Group Classes
Registered Stud Breeders only

  • Champion Pen of 3 Ewe Lambs, shorn after July 1 last and to be dropped after February 1 last
  • Champion Pen of 3 Ram Lambs, shorn after July 1 last and to be dropped after February 1 last
  • Pair of Rams
  • Pair of Ram (1) & Ewe (1)

Farmers' Classes.
Registered Stud Breeders are not eligible to compete. All entries must be unhoused and unrugged.

  • Merino Ewe, strong wool, under 1 1⁄2.
  • Merino Ewe, fine or medium wool, Years. 1 1⁄2 year or over.

Prime Lamb Breeds.
Suffork Sheep. Shorn sheep are not to carry more than 25mm of wool.

  • Ram, 11⁄2 years and over
  • Ram, under 11⁄2 years
  • Ram Lamb, born after March 1, last 28. Ewe, 11⁄2 years and over
  • Ewe, under 11⁄2 years
  • Ewe Lamb, born after March 1, last 31. Group: 1 ram and 2 ewes (taken from

Any Other Breeds

Each breed judged separately.

  • Ram, 11⁄2 years and over
  • Ram, under 11⁄2 years
  • Ram Lamb, born after March 1, last 28. Ewe, 11⁄2 years and over
  • Ewe, under 11⁄2 years
  • Ewe Lamb, born after March 1, last 31. Group: 1 ram and 2 ewes (taken from

Junior Handler's Competition

  • Supreme Ewe – All Breeds
  • Supreme Sheep of Show
  • Junior Handlers – 18 Years & under

All Breeds

  • Pair Ram, under 11⁄2 years (Drawn from previous classes)
  • Pair Ewes, under 11⁄2 years (Drawn from previous classes)
  • All Breeds Group – Winners of each breed: 1 Ram & 2 Ewes Supreme Lamb – Ram/Ewe Winners from each breed. Supreme Ram – All Breeds


  • No residency limit for entries.
  • Points will be allocated to class size.
  • Group Classes to be taken from exhibits.
  • Any exhibit that, in the opinion of the Judges, does not comply with the conditions shall be disqualified. The Judge’s decision in the matter is final. Shorn classes to be regulation shorn, unless otherwise stated.
  • All Merino Sheep to be shown in full wool, unless otherwise stated. Number of days’ growth of wool must be shown on entry form and also on tags provided by the Society, which must be attached to the exhibit.
  • Ages of Sheep: Ages of Sheep must be computed up to the day of judging. Sheep competing in the un- der 1 1⁄2 year old classes must not show more than two permanent teeth, and Sheep competing in the 1 1⁄2 years and older classes must not show less than four permanent teeth.

Judging Criteria

  • Champion Ribbons will be issued to the Champion Ram and Ewe in every Merino and Prime Lamb Breeds Section, also Champion Ewe in Farmers’ Classes. Ribbons will also be issued to the Grand Champion Merino Ram (horned or polled) and Grand Champion Merino Ewe & Supreme Exhibit.

For more information please go to the Exhibitor’s Booklet
